Friday, January 17, 2014

Thursday 1/16 new TV etc!

Fun at moms! We went to7:30 mass together, then mom headed off to her bible study. I sprang into action and went to target and bought mom a new tv! I figure that now that she is watching it a bit more, she should have a nice flat screen. Little did I know that you measure a tv screen from one corner to the next on the diagonal!so I brought the first tv home and it was too small...I mean since the hole in her entertainment unit is small enough, I want he tv to be as big as possible. So after waiting for comcast( uh, not sure, we'll be back later!) I am off to target again, to get a bigger screen. I also went to comcast to pick up the new box she needs. Now I have to train her on to how to use it! The TVA looks awesome a nd I got it all connected! Go Me! Mom seemed very pleased. I haven't hooked up the DVD yet, need to figure that one out.
Mom and I watched rehab addict on HGTV together, we had a fun night!

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