Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another housebound day

Well, I baked a beautiful apple coffee cake, and wished we were having company it was so pretty! Alas the neighborhood is still unplowed, so we ate it ourselves! Yum!
The plow tried to go through at 2:30  and had to retreat and call for backup. A bulldozer needed to come though and get up the heavy ice and snow. And then the old bottom of the driveway shoveling needed to be done...1 1/2 hours later Harry,Molly and I finally finished up and I was free! Rolled out the caddy and gassed up, got hummus and bananas, and ran a plunge errand. The I headed home as darkness fell and the temps dropped again. It is minus 8 right now! But school is on for tomorrow and I will need to turn on the burner and get this plunge rolling full speed towards Saturday!
I will share a few shots of Harry, this guy LOVES the snow. He climbed a huge snow pile and hung out watching me shovel!

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