Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saint Patrick church

Danny and his friend and classmate Brianna
Wecontinue to feel so blessed by our church. Even today, when we had the kickoff weekend for our Freedom For Our Future fundraising campaign, we still had Father Karl really inspiring us with his homily. And we had people stopping us to tell us how cute Cassie is and how well behaved she was. And we had molly visiting with all her church friends and just beaming. And Danny and I were able to serve at mass, helping out a family who couldn't make it today. We just continue to have a warm and wonderful feeling each week and look forward to attending mass. And that is a blessing!
Lots of playing with Cassie, two boxers, one runner(inside!), shopping for milk and batteries for the garage door, a bit of room cleaning,plenty of story reading, tuba tunes, some half-hearted dog walking(brrrr!) and a tasty dinner at Leo's.
blessings all, big and small!

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