Friday, April 29, 2011

Thursday 4/28/11 Procter and Gamble World Headquarters!

Molly and I got up early to hit the gym in the hotel. Molly got on the elliptical and I was setting all the settings, we had flipped on the little TV on the machine, and when I looked up to check on her, on the screen were the running feet! Right at that moment the commercial came was surreal, unbelievably, bizarre, you name it! I took a couple of great shots of her working out with the commercial on! To Cool!
We were picked up at the hotel by Jim O'Connell, the VP of External Relations for P&G, and taken to the world headquarters. The company has 2 beautiful towers right downtown, and we were greeted and taken up to the breakfast room. We met many important P&G folks, some great PR and marketing type folks, and most importantly, 5 other great Moms and athletes from the local SO team.  We also met Jay Bruce, and we sat at the VIP table with him and the president of the company,etc. Wow! At the end of the presentations(they showed the commercial!) I was able to speak for a moment, and say the thank you speech i had written. It was well received and made me very happy. We then moved on to the larger employee event, in the auditorium. The employees got box lunches, and were able to learn all about what their amazing company is doing for Special Olympics. I love that each person has ownership of the great, generous  corporate spirit.
We then had photos with Jay Bruce and others, Molly autographed the brand saver going out this weekend, and we grabbed our lunches and headed back to the hotel.
Chilled and ate, then explored Cincinnati. It is a beautiful city! We went to the underground railroad museum, walked across the Roebling Bridge( designed and built 3 years prior to the Brooklyn Bridge by the same architect) all around a cool neighborhood, back across the bridge, through a rainstorm, got RED nail polish so we will be set for the game, and returned to our home base. We were picked up and taken to dinner at 7:30 at a cool place called The Precinct. It is in an old police station from the '20's. We had an amazing dinner, and my friend Randall and I toasted Dad over our steaks! side note: 2 ft. high pepper mill ground onto the blue cheese salad=go Dad!
We got back from dinner at 11pm. needless to say Molly was whipped! But what a day! The world is full of good people!

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