Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday 4/16/11 It's Tootsie Roll Time!

As the 40 mph winds roar into Brighton I find myself standing outside the door of the Power  house gym in my bright yellow smock collecting money for the Knights of Columbus on their annual tootsie roll drive. Intermittent rain, flurries, and gale force gusts keep me on my toes during my 3 1/2 hour shift. Unfortunately, not too many people bring their wallets to the gym....AAAAHHHH!  The Knights will give a portion of the money to Livingston County Special Olympics so it is worth it!  The girls are posted around town with a couple of other Knights, and Jer is on LAX duty.  SSSOOOO cold when I finally get home around 1pm.
We squeeze in a Meijer run so that Charlotte can pick up the new Harry Potter movie which she has been waiting for. She has saved her birthday money!
We go to Palm Sunday mass at 5pm, and it ends at 6:45pm!  The service is beautiful, and the reminder to take time this week to really focus on GOD is a good one. I'm looking forward to Ashley Court on Wednesday, and all the holy week masses.
Tigers are on the west coast so Molly is up til all hours!

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