Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Eighth Day

Happy Easter! This is the Eighth day, the one that Jesus made for us by rising from the grave.  GOD made the world in 7, and Jesus gave us the eighth day, now we need to live in it, and show we are Christians by our love and actions! So I'm going to try!  Jake called this am, and we all talked to him, which was great! Since holidays are all about eating....
We had sausage, coffeecake, juice and melon for breakfast, an,d at 2pm we ate a full Easter dinner, ham, mashed potatoes,beets, pineapple, green bean casserole and rolls. Fancy cheesecake for dessert! Mom, Jerry and I went to see  The Lincoln Lawyer, with Matthew McGonehey and Marissa Tomei. It was excellent! We took Mom to see the condo, and are working on her to come out for a month in the fall to stay at the condo and see how it is to live here. She says she'll think about it. Finished off the night with some deep laughs with I love Lucy. I feel very blessed that we had such a great day.

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