Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tackle The Trail 2011

Oh yeah! In spite of a chilly 30mph wind, Artie and I and all the kids save Jamie and Claire head off to Central Park (renamed park on the grounds of the old Greystone Insane Asylun) to "tackle the trail". It is a party cloudy day, but the sun peeks through as we are running. The sign in is smooth, and we are parked right on the street, so we wait a while in the car before doing our warm-ups. I am most happy to find that there is a bathroom so I don't have to use the porta-johns! Race kicks off at 9:15, and it is a hilly challenge...especially for one middle aged runner who hasn't seriously 5K'd since Thanksgiving! Artie comes in first, a great family representative time of 24:32( this after running 20 miles yest.!) Danny follows with a time of 26:24, Christopher comes in around 28ish (and this his first EVER 5K!) Molly follows with a 31:34, then I come slogging in with a 32:57, and Charlotte cruises in with a 33ish.  Molly and Charlotte were 3rd and 4th in their age groups!  Bagels from Jersey Boys Bagels greet us at the finish line, along with Dole fruit bites, water and bananas. I win a raffle drawing of a Tito's Burrittos gift card, turned over to Artie to use some day. We all had so much fun!

Home, then rocket out to church for 12noon mass.  Had a short visit with Artie's folks who were there, they look great.  Back at the house, Allie gives the boys a Cupcake baking class, Uncle Joe and Danny stop by for a visit after the cemetary, and the kids watch Allie's Seussical the Musical. Another fun-filled day!

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