Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A beautiful day for a hike

Fueled by DD, Sooz and I are at Kohl's at 8:15, and pick up a couple of things--30% and tax free! Then we head down to Donnie and Catherine's to meet up and head to South Mountain reservation for a long hike.  Earl is so excited to be off the leash and on the run with his "cousins" ! The sun comes out and temps feel more spring-like.  It is a beautiful hike, lots of hills and rocks, really quite challenging! The boys love being on top of the waterfall, and by boys I include Uncle Donnie, who happily climbed up top with Danny and Chrissie. We visit at the house for a bit after the hike, sharing a lovely fruit salad and some yogurt and snacks.  Catherine took Allie, Molly and Danny out to her barn to visit her horse, Ribbi, and Susan, and Charlotte happily settle down to watch the Yanks(who beat the Tigers 10-6) They are happy that the Yanks are 2 and 0 to start off 2011!

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