Sunday, April 17, 2011

April?? Really??!

High wind advisory, 50mph gusts, flurries, temps in the high 30's...this is spring in Michigan. I need to start shopping for condo's down south! Lovely weather for a LAX game, which even though they lost, it was played on the CC football field which was very cool.
I made stuffed french toast for breakfast which everyone really enjoyed.
Charlotte watched her Harry Potter movie this morning, and also worked out.
I did a 5 mile + run, my goal was to try to get back some endurance lost over the lazy winter, and over 60 min. on the treadmill is a good step.
Danny and I played Harry Potter clue, Mille Borne with Jerry and watched a movie together, The Great Panda Adventure.  We said it was Danny day! Yay! Nothing like snuggling on the couch with that boy to put your life in perspective.
Charlotte went to youth group and they did dinner and adoration in the chapel with Father Mark. She came home with a big smile on her face!
Tomorrow starts the first of two hell weeks for the play. I am bringing a pot of veg. chili and helping set up tomorrow's cast meal.  It should be crazy and fun!

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