Thursday, April 14, 2011


Another 49th year first, ZUMBA!  Shawne and I head off to a class where the 5$ fee benefits the human society. I have never been to an exercise class with a wider variety of gals. It was cool! They ranged in age from high school freshman to mid 70's, and were dressed in dance pants, ball shorts, blue jeans, you name it! The steps weren't too hard, and we sure were sweating!  Funniest part of  the class..the teacher is showing some of the steps, in this instance pelvic rolls and thrusts, and she says "it looks kinda dirty, it isn't as dirty when we have the music on"  then she turns on the music, we start rolling and thrusting, and the music's lyrics consist of sex talk! LESS DIRTY WITH THE MUSIC? I don't think so!
Danny and Charlotte have play practice, 2 weeks til opening night! They will be very busy in the next two weeks.

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