Wednesday, April 13, 2011

all kinds of fun on the horizon!

Had a great call today from our friends Tatum and Ken from W&K out in Portland. It was great to hear their voices! They are thinking about doing an interactive online thing with Molly..I'll keep you posted! I also got a call tonight from a P&G exec. He was calling to invite Molly and I down to Cincinnati to attend a couple of employee events, including a Reds game! Molly will be very excited.
I took a couple of mile walk with Shawne this morning, and volunteered at Danny's library. I also had to get all the costumes and make-up over to school. With the sun shining, Molly, Jerry and I did a couple of hours of yard work. I basically focused on pulling out leaves and stuff from around my landscaping.
Family dinner-Yay! Danny filled us in on his field trip to the Natural History museum, Molly on her day care class, and Charlotte on the play.
I love it when the kids are happy and involved!

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