Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Entertainment Extravaganza!

A relaxing start this morning, but we all do get in runs and walks to kick up our fitness. Danny and Chris go for a long hike in the woods, and I tell them to come back if it starts to rain. It starts to rain, and I go out to look for them. I am calling and hiking and getting soaked. They hear someone calling but don't answer, because they "don't know who it is". How many people are in the woods in the pouring rain on a Tuesday morning calling your names boys?! So they come home and I hike around for 10 more minutes and Susan drives around tooting her horn to let me know they are back but I can't hear it. OH Brother! So anyway, after changing my clothes to dry ones, Sooz and I head away from the kids. We run a bunch of errands, then meet Catherine at the movies to see Jane Eyre. FANTASTIC!  And the theatre was so empty and quiet which is perfect for that type of movie.  We went to DD for a cup of coffee together and had a great visit. Catherine is thinking of maybe doing some interior design work and maybe taking classes. I think it is a great and bold move to go after a passion, another 40's girl moving forward!
Then the kids and I went to see Claire in her school musical My Favourite Year. She only has a small part but she sings cricles around the rest of the cast.

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