Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday 4/19 The cleaning continues...dadada duh!

Okay, so my Mom won't inspect with a white glove, but I am pretending she will in order to make myself clean!!! My walk-in closet can almost be walked into again! And the sheets are changed, shower cap set out....all is ready for Patsy!
Spent Tuesday running around as usual, it's all good!
Molly was "working" at the ARC Expo, in it's second year of providing county residents with info about things available for PWD's (people with disabilities)  I went and browsed around, there was alot of good info, and it was well run.
Charlotte had a melt-down at 9:30 when she got home, but you know what? for a girl who usually goes to sleep at 8:30, after spending lots of down time in her room, I think she is doing great!

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