Monday, April 25, 2011

Too Funny!

Okay, I'm not even fifty so it's not a senior moment, it was more of a "blonde" moment!  I invite Jerry and my Mom to go to the movies yesterday afternoon. " Let's see an historical fiction movie about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the trial that followed..I saw a trailor and it looks great!"  So all set to get our history on we head to the theatre and go in to see The Lincoln Lawyer!
First clue that something is amiss....RAP MUSIC in the opening credits and artsy shots of the front grill of a Lincoln Continental!  Hmmm, this doesn't look like the 1800's....maybe there is a flashback? I think hopefully??!  How about MAYBE YOU'RE IN THE WRONG MOVIE KERRY?!!  Oops! my bad!
Luckily the movie was excellent, with some of our favourite actors, William H. Macy, John Leguzamo..
Stay tuned for my review of  The Conspirators..the real movie about John Wilkes Booth et al! Never a dull!

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