Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Alrighty! kids at school-check!  Laundry going-check! bathrooms cleaned-check! I am checking things off my list left and right, and feeling quite smug about it! If only it would stay clean, wishful thinking!
Molly is happy to be back at school, not so Charlotte. Play rehearsal tonight, for all kids, and they are in charge of bringing their own make-up.  I go out, buy it all, label it, put it in bags and give it to the kids. When Charlotte comes home, I ask her if she left the make up at school and she says that she put it under a seat in the BCPA. Are you kidding me?? But if you yell at her she freaks, so...I hold my tongue. Danny heads to LAX and I head to knitting and then on to swimming.  I have to tell my ladies that I will no longer be staffing the program, and they are on their own. Nancy is sad, but Pat could care less! Figures!

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