Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sure miss basketball! Friday 4/15

Much as I love those kids, I sure miss my solo Friday nights! I usually didn't do much, maybe a movie, but generally cleaning and tidying and just a moment to get my thoughts together before the weekend.  I worked my usual Friday shift, but I didn't have storytime because of the friends book sale. I helped Sherrie get alot done, and I just enjoyed being in touch with the [patrons, with out spending mist of my time on set up and clean up.  The ByeBye Birdie gang had rehearsal til 9pm, with a dinner break at 5:30. After work I swung through Wendy's and got fish sandwiches and dropped them off at the high school.  It was pretty funny, all us parents lined up holding our bags of food and handing them off as the kids went past!

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