Monday, May 2, 2011

Friday in Cincinnati 4/29/11

Molly was SOOO tired this morning! I got up and snuck out to the gym and tuned in to the royal wedding. Saw the kiss and the dress, what more do you need?  Mol roused at 10:30 and we watched royal wedding while we got ready for the day.  She seemed to really enjoy the hats and dresses. Now that I know where the Dunkin Donuts is we shoot right over, and then walk around the city. We cruise through gardens, fountains, horses and policemen, the beautiful church of St. Louis, the public library with a great high school art exhibit(talented kids!) and the Contemporary Art Museum lobby (closing for a lunch event!)
Met Jesse at 1pm at Skyline Chili,  a Cinci institution! Molly had the 3 way, which is spaghetti topped with chili,topped with cheese! We had mad games of UNO and Molly won 5 to our 1! hilarious! Jesse took a photo of the score to email the rest of the LA gang back in Portland. Then he took us to the Reds shop at the stadium and outfitted us for the game as a gift! Molly got a shirt, real game jersey and socks and a hat and I got a jersey and a sweatshirt. WOW! Molly is ten shades of excited!
Chill at the hotel, apply the REDS nail polish, get suited up, and head to  The Great American Ballpark at 5:30 with Jim. What a site! The place is visually gorgeous, red seats, a steam boat in the outfield, the mighty Ohio river flowing beyond that. Up we go in the private elevator to the Suite floor and down to the Procter and Gamble Suite! WWOOWW!  It is right behind home plate, decorated with P&G photos and has indoor and outdoor space. The food they served was a Taste of Cincinnati, with chili, ribs,pizza,etc. Molly was in heaven!
We were escorted on to the filed and met all the mascots and team VIP's. as we were hanging out, Jay Bruce goes jogging onto the filed for warm-ups and says, Oh Hi Molly! in this excited voice! Then he came over afterward for pictures and hugs for Molly. So Cool!
The pitch itself went a bit wide, I did my best to catch it, but no luck. We told her it was better with dirt on the ball anyway.  Back to the suite for the game, Reds lost 7=6 but it was a blast. I got to meet and talk to so many nice people. We were the only SO folks there.
Back to the hotel after 11, and we have a 5am wake-up call.....

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