Friday, January 31, 2014

Change is a comin!

January is my favourite time for home projects. A couple of years a go Jerry and I turned our dining room into a library in January, and this year we are working on floors and  Fireplaces. I am having wood floors run into the family room(currently carpeted) and the sun porch(currently tiled) and they will be stained to match the existing hardwood which is laid throughout the rest of the first floor. As for my fireplace, I am looking to update it from its 1991 look, removing the shiny green ceramic tile that matched the tile on the sun porch, the too big wood mantel and the unnecessary hearth. With crow bar, tile scraper and a hammer that I broke with my strong pounding, I worked all day. It was very physically draining, especially following an early morning date with a snow shovel!
Anyway, here are some pics, before, and then underway . I will update along the way. Feel free to weigh in on paint color suggestions or fire place facade ideas....I welcome them!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another cold day!

Called at around 4:30am due to wind chills of -20. Now rest assured that these temps were predicted all day yesterday and many other schools knew by late afternoon that they were going to be closed. Why we had to wait I do not know, but at least the kids were safe and warm. I got up at 6:30 and shut off the alarms then went back to sleep and woke up at 9am. WHAT! I couldn't believe it! It may have had something to due with staying up until 1:45 to finish my James Paterson book, Postcard Killers...scarey  and good. Danny and I played monopoly and I got more books to give to the library, cooked dinner, talked to mom,etc. I got a call begging for me to help out tonight at BDL and I was happy to help. HAPPY! I got to leave the house! Danny and jake got to work building the IKEA stuff for Danny's bedroom. It looks awesome! Jerry will be home tomorrow from Houston it will be good to have him home.
Molly was excited when she came down the stairs around 5:30 today and saw a deer right next o the house eating plants. Poor things must be starving in this weather.

Follow up

And to follow up on my thoughts from yesterday...I am happy to report that Danny and I did stay in our pj's all day, and we watched, 
The muppet show
Gilligans island
The flying nun
Shaun the sheep
And assorted big ten network offerings!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Whether the weather is too cold?

Today we had a cold day-- no school because it was too cold for the kiddies to wait for the bus. I just checked the forecast for tomorrow, see it below, and in my mind it would also qualify as too cold. Today, every school in the county was closed, tomorrow none are. So I wonder how these things are figured out...not that I want another snow/cold day mind you!

6 amWedJan 29

Partly Cloudy


Partly Cloudy

SW at 15 mph

7 am

Partly Cloudy


Partly Cloudy

SW at 15 mph

8 am

Partly Cloudy


Partly Cloudy

SW at 16 mph

9 am

Mostly Sunny


Mostly Sunny

SW at 16 mph

Monday, January 27, 2014

Who says I'm not "artsy"?!

Morning fun for Cassie's breakfast! Whole grain bread from the bread store, toasted and slathered with honey butter. cuties and Cheerios round things out! Doesn't she look kinda rasta? Maybe I am channeling the islands,ya mon!
I had to drive cass to Dearborn this morning and what a treacherous drive it was. Cars spun out all over the place, even one just two cars in front of me. It was scary and I couldn't wait to get the baby out of hune car. I stopped  at IKEA and got a few things for Danny's room, in and out in 45 min. Then home to unload. Working at the library from 3-9. The early part of the shift was busy, then everyone went home. The last hour there was no one there. 
School was called off for tomorrow at around 4:30. I think we will break out the Bewitched collection that Charlotte got for Christmas. I plan to stay in my PJ's all day!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Saint Patrick church

Danny and his friend and classmate Brianna
Wecontinue to feel so blessed by our church. Even today, when we had the kickoff weekend for our Freedom For Our Future fundraising campaign, we still had Father Karl really inspiring us with his homily. And we had people stopping us to tell us how cute Cassie is and how well behaved she was. And we had molly visiting with all her church friends and just beaming. And Danny and I were able to serve at mass, helping out a family who couldn't make it today. We just continue to have a warm and wonderful feeling each week and look forward to attending mass. And that is a blessing!
Lots of playing with Cassie, two boxers, one runner(inside!), shopping for milk and batteries for the garage door, a bit of room cleaning,plenty of story reading, tuba tunes, some half-hearted dog walking(brrrr!) and a tasty dinner at Leo's.
blessings all, big and small!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Who reads this anyway?!!

So even if it is just for MY mental health, as the temps plummet once again into the single digits I have changed my blog background to a lovely spring theme! It just makes me happy, and I feel a little warmer too! You?

Snowy Saturday

Cassie's had almost as much fun outside today as Harry did, and that's saying something. That snow dog spent at least three hours total outside. Cassie made it about 45 minutes before I heard,"I ffreezin" and needed to get the cocoa in the sippy cup! Danny tried to build her a snowman but the still falling snow was too powdery. She actually had the most fun poking a stick into a a pile of snow to hide it, then finding it again. Shewouldn't even stop for a sled ride! The rest of the day was spentp laying with toys,reading,having a bath, eating and going potty.
Coach Jerry and the pink panthers went 1/1 at their tourney. The girls played well. Jake worked12-5:30. Danny slept in and then did his fabulous Uncle routine, which he has perfected!
Then tonight the gang headed off to the Plymouth Whalers game, minor league hockey at its finest. The tickets were free which made it even better. 
Snow chair!
World's best uncle!

Friday, January 24, 2014


The girls had a day off because it was too cold to wait for the bus! I was super happy because they got to enjoy Cassie and I got to enjoy them! Though it was 3 degrees out we decided to brave it and go to the library for story time. Cassie and Molly enjoyed All Join In, and Charlotte bopped around and found books and music. I love watching Cassie dance! 
We stopped and had lunch at Shawne's house which was great fun. We had a lunch of Kraft Mac and cheese,apple slices and water. Yum! Finally had a chance to give our Christmas presents which was fun! My favourite comment by Cassie, at the lunch table  I asked her if she had anything to say, she said "more chocolate!" We weren't having ANY chocolate! It was hilarious! I think she was channeling Aunt Susan!

Detroit Auto show!

Jerry took the day off and took Danny down to the auto show. This is becoming a bit of a tradition for Danny and he really enjoys it. As he gets older I think he pictures himself driving more...I don't want to think about it! He decided he'd like a Scion, but wouldn't turn down a BMW or Porshe! Enjoy the photos!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Purge baby purge!

I am on fire! I have been picking areas around the house, hall linen closet, master bath linen closet, library, my closet, and purging! Books I love but either have read or don't want to....sheets from 1976 and towels with raggedy edges, milk crates that saw me through college, they are GONE! I took an entire car load to Sally's and DIDN'T GO IN! I did returns at 4 stores today and didn't buy anything!
And I am still going. January is a good time to do this, fresh starts and all that. On January 1 it was plunge prep, and on January 12 it was head to jersey time. So on January 20 it became Clean Your House time- from now til the end of the month. With a short Cassie break, starting tonight!
I had a great meeting with Mary Jane on the plunge and just yakking, then met Shawne for her birthday lunch at Panera.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rest of the trip goes smoothly...

Left moms about 3:30 on Monday. We really had a lovely time, and I feel like I had a positive influence on things. Mom and I spent a lot of time cleaning out her closets and making small changes with big lifestyle payoffs for her. I attached a water filter directly to her sink so that she doesn't have to carry her big Britta  pitcher out of the fridge and over to the sink to pour a drink. She said that she is already drinking more water. I got her some cute lightweight dishes because she eats in her family room and these are easier for hert o carry. Ditto the plastic stemless wine glasses. Added a new basket under her coffee table to hold her placemats and napkins so she is not carrying them to the TV cabinet and bending over to store them. I added a lower hanger in the front hall closet so that she can reach her coats and hang them up. And lots more! She was happily discovering all her little treats, and I know that this lifted her spirits. 
We went to see August:Osage County, very well acted but certainly not a happy story! But fun to have a movie and dinner date.
I also got to attend mass with mom on Thursday, Friday, Sunday and Monday, and praying together is the best of all. Mom gave me my faith, and it is a blessing to share it with her.
I arrived at Susan's house in time for dinner and a download/ transfer of information related to Medicare, her upcoming apmnt with the spinal specialist and more. I hit the road at 6:50am, trying to beat the storm heading for NJ. Though I did battle some flakes through the PA mountains the ride went fine and I got home around 4:30. Susan got home from work around the same time, and they already have traffic jams and five inches of snow. I am very happy to be home safely.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Changing times

Aging is hard. I know that until I look in the mirror I still think that I am 25. With the possible exception of a knee twinge I feel like I could dance and run and that since I feel that way others must see me like that....then someone young clerk calls you Ma'm, you get your AARP card, or I look in the mirror, and suddenly I'm 52!
So imagine how mom feels, and other people's moms and dads. It is tough to think about leaving your home, admitting you need help.cand it is really hard to for children to talk to their folks about this. Trying to find the sweet spot between caring and bullying,letting them make decisions and letting them understand that you need to be in on the decision too.
I was able to starts the conversation with mom today. It went pretty well, starting with words and ending with hugs and tears. I opened with A Place for Mom, and the information that we have gathered, touched on money, time frame, the Holy Spirit,and how much love and respect her kids have for her. This conversation will continue, but at least it has begun.
I ended it by making dinner and serving it in the family room while we watched Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend, with Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe. This was perfect, we laughed and sang along. A nice way to exit the tough conversation mode.
I pray for us on this journey and I have faith that the Holy Spirit will guide us all as we walk with mom into the future.

Thursday 1/16 new TV etc!

Fun at moms! We went to7:30 mass together, then mom headed off to her bible study. I sprang into action and went to target and bought mom a new tv! I figure that now that she is watching it a bit more, she should have a nice flat screen. Little did I know that you measure a tv screen from one corner to the next on the diagonal!so I brought the first tv home and it was too small...I mean since the hole in her entertainment unit is small enough, I want he tv to be as big as possible. So after waiting for comcast( uh, not sure, we'll be back later!) I am off to target again, to get a bigger screen. I also went to comcast to pick up the new box she needs. Now I have to train her on to how to use it! The TVA looks awesome a nd I got it all connected! Go Me! Mom seemed very pleased. I haven't hooked up the DVD yet, need to figure that one out.
Mom and I watched rehab addict on HGTV together, we had a fun night!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NJ Baby!

Left brighton at 7:45 am and rolled into Forelle lane about 6:15. Good weather, rotten traffic on 287S in jersey and a great audio book and that was that. Bizarre not having to watch the clock and feed people things at the right time.
Mom was surprised and pleased to see me. She is very bent over, but the pain seemed okay. I am hoping to help and lift spirits.

Tuesday 1/14 a shift at work!!

I had a blast at BDL today. Finally nice to get in a shift, 10-3, and busy,busy,busy. Lots of program sign up, book finding, cleaning up of books and toys and great interaction with patrons. But my favourite bit was a first grade tour group. I led both the tours, two groups, and those kids are so funny and curious that it is a joy. 
We then had to pick up Danny from chess club, make a Costco run, pick up the traverse at bobs, now with a fresh door lock and shining headlights and gas it up. Pack up food and books for NJ and get some sleep.
Isn't this blog exciting?! Nothing like this cutting edge action....!

Starting off right

Jerry went to work the kids were in school and I had no plunge to plan! Pure bliss! Harry and I took a long walk after I went to mass and Marshall's. The walk is to counter act the fact that I was at Marshall's to buy larger pants! I took the kids and Harry to snowshoe, weather nice and practice great. Jerry and I had a business meeting at Downtown Main Martini Bar and that was really fun. Jer is always on my case for not going out with him, so here we went! We discussed the upcoming year, trips planned, future plans, job issues and polar plunge rehash. It was good to spend some time together.
A good Monday, though as usual, my big plans for cleaning never materialize the way I think they will!

Sunday 1/12 the Big Ahhhh!

AAAHHHHH! Plunge is done! We slept in and did blueberry pancakes and newspaper reading, and playing with Cassie of course. Football and more playing in the afternoon, and then we all piled in the car to drive Cassie to Dearborn. The kids voted to go to IKEA after that for meatballs. We all enjoyed talking about our great Netherlands adventure and how much we miss it. We walked around the store after dinner, and imagined living in 350 square feet or outfitting our small business office.
Then it was back home to get ready for our school week.
The kids checked their firstgiving page and have garnered even more donations( page stays open for two weeks post event) and the team is over $1000.00 now!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Polar plunge 2014--Saturday 1/11/14

Here is my crew! They all helped me so much, lifting and toting boxes of supplies, fielding phone calls, leaving me alone to make and receive calls and email, being wonderful SO ambassadors at the plunge, and NOT LEAST, plunging into the icy waters today with smiles on their faces. 
We had a great day and raised over $16,000 so far for our athletes. The music and food were great, the silent auction seemed to go great, and it just all went smoothly. I felt happy and relieved.
We grabbed some pizzas and chilled( or warmed up!) and just all said "yay, the plunge is done!!"

Snow much fun! Friday 1/10

Cassie and I enjoyed a nice day on Friday, inside and outside and all around the town. We started off with story time at the library,which Cassie loved. She danced and sang and ran around the big room and I had as much fun as she did. Next Friday I will lead this class, sadly without Cassie! Next we headed to meijer to buy a new car seat ( jake drove off with my old one) eat goldfish in the cart and ride on sandy the pony. Lunch,play time with dzadza and then playtime in the snow when envy one came home from school.
Danny and jake headed to Alex's to play their game so I hung out at home with Cassie and did a bath and loads of stories while Jerry took the girls to the brighton girls basketball game. They enjoyed cheering and visiting and the girls won!
I am leaving out the fact that my day was filled with phone calls and emails related to the plunge...everything from "sorry I can't make it tomorrow" a judge and a staffer from SOMI, to "can you tell me the address of the high school?" This in an email....uh, can you google it?!
I can't wait til tomorrow night!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Plunge countdown,T-3 days

And we're off!  I knew how much I had to do today so the best start to that was mass. Father James challenged us to be both believers in Christ and compassionate helpers of the poor, not one or the other. If we say we love Jesus and don't love our fellow man, the bible says we are liars. Wow! That is a lot to think about and work on acting on.
Visited BHS to confirm ground/gym plans for Saturday, Gordon foods for candy bars for my candy selling scheme, target and the dollar store for other necessities. Then home to start prepping  the prize bags, silent auction pages, tshirts,etc. Mary Jane and Shawne both came to help, which made it fun! 
Cassie and jake were expected at 6:30 and arrived at7:45, with no call or text. He said he was stressed by the meet up with Cammy. It is a tough situation to be in. If the two parents are supposed to talk and interact, and one of hune shows up with their mom, other child and lawyer, well that can be a bit counterproductive.
By the time I got little miss settled it was 10pm- and I'm heading to bed! posting the first of many pictures for this weekend!
Thanksaunt Susan and cousins!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another housebound day

Well, I baked a beautiful apple coffee cake, and wished we were having company it was so pretty! Alas the neighborhood is still unplowed, so we ate it ourselves! Yum!
The plow tried to go through at 2:30  and had to retreat and call for backup. A bulldozer needed to come though and get up the heavy ice and snow. And then the old bottom of the driveway shoveling needed to be done...1 1/2 hours later Harry,Molly and I finally finished up and I was free! Rolled out the caddy and gassed up, got hummus and bananas, and ran a plunge errand. The I headed home as darkness fell and the temps dropped again. It is minus 8 right now! But school is on for tomorrow and I will need to turn on the burner and get this plunge rolling full speed towards Saturday!
I will share a few shots of Harry, this guy LOVES the snow. He climbed a huge snow pile and hung out watching me shovel!


Today the email came in at 2 pm, no school AGAIN! We haven't been out oft he house since mass on Saturday night. The walls are starting to close in. I am contemplating and escape in the truck when jake gets home, when he calls to see if Danny can join him in a gaming session at mikes tonight. Poor Danny, stuck in here with his sisters and me...of course I have to say yes. So another long night for us girls, watching sports and staring at each other. And t hen the pictures start arriving from Jerry. Smiling faces, apron clad bodies, pictures of food, the team building night at his meeting is make your own dinner. The place looks adorable, I can practically smell the food and hear the adult conversation, which is not " can we play the Wii?)!
Gosh, I should have gotten a real college degree like mom told me to and kept working!
Danny and I did take the dog out for a loop around the neighborhood, it was minus 4 by lunchtime so plenty warm enough! Harry can't get enough of the snow, and it was a nice break from the unrelenting polar plunge work and laundry.
Tomorrow we are stuck here again, I am hoping they plow the streets and we can make a break for it in the caddy, but we'll see!