Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wednesday July 20 Bishop Lake

Ran 5 miles. A steamy day at the lake, good to be there to cool off. The Charlotte never wants to swim as long as Danny does, but I make her! Molly had decided to go to her friend Kelly Marshall's house to hang out, that is fine, the girls need a break from each other. I get a bit of reading done, then lots of chat time with Shawne, so it is an excellent day. Charlotte decides against the teen movie, in favour of a bunch of I Love Lucy's , this is good because I don't think that she would have liked that Red Riding Hood. She and I go to Kohls and do a return and get Liam a cute outfit and toy, and then get her a pizza at Costco. Sad for me that I forgot my phone, cause as soon as I get home I check it and there is a message from Molly that she is ready to come home. It was way closer from Costco, but it's my own fault, so back out I go! Molly had fun, ended up grocery shopping with them?! Whatever! The girls are invited to go to the Marshalls cottage for a swim day in August and seemed pleased about that. Danny is sounding weepy up on the farm, not sure if its the heat, Aunt Reg's health,or what, but I think we will have to go get him tomorrow.  Jer ends up coming home at around 11, so he can start the day with a bang tomorrow. Go Jer!

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