Saturday, July 16, 2011

Up, Up and Away! Wednesday July 13

Good Morning Danny-boy, Rise and Shine! Yes, I know, it's only 8:30 but we have a plane to catch!
I had packed everything except the toothbrushes and have our baggage in the front hall. Danny fixes me my last espresso and has his breakfast, and our ride comes at 9:45am. Our B&B host Paolo stops in to say goodbye-I would stay there again in a heartbeat.  Our ride to the airport is smooth, but the guy drops us off at the wrong place. I asked him as we pulled up if he was sure, and he said he was. When we went inside, I couldn't find the counter. I asked and was told to go from 1 over to 3, just down the sidewalk a bit. We rocket out the door and  onto the sweltering sidewalk, laughing that we needed one more speedy hot walk in Europe before we can go home. Over in 3, after searching around, we are told we need 5, and we need to take a shuttle there! Yikes! Good thing we are here nice and early. Finally we check in and ditch our bags, and exit to the gate(we think) but it is out to another shuttle, and we board it and are driven to the building with the gates! But here we are. We read and relax, board about 12:20pm, take off about 1:15 and land at 4:45 in Detroit. Food is good, movies are good, and other then about an hour of queasyness for poor Danny, it all goes well.
Jer and the girls are pulling up as we exit, we cleared customs super quickly, and we are on our way home. Yay! Jerry has grilled steaks for Danny, but first they do a little workout in the gym, and I start the laundry.
Though I don't believe in jetlag, I crash into bed at 10pm(4am in Rome) and wake at 3:30am thinking its time to get up. I'm ignoring it, and hopefully it will go away! The house looks and feels massive to us, and it is a site for travel weary eyes!

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