Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 23 Go Nuts, Lugnuts!

Super Hot! I decide to go for an early run, but the bugs are up earlier! Shoot, running down Chilson carrying deer flys on my back is so nasty! I am very afraid of getting the itchies again, so I shower right away with my Dawn, and it works! No itch! Jerry and Molly and Charlotte run to the farmers market, and Danny and I walk down. We pick up veggies, herbs, and of course free bread slices! Then we walk home! So total mileage for me, 4mile run, 6 mile walk. Go Me!
Jerry and the kids go to the Lugnuts game, and they win! And it's fast for a minor league game, so they are home by 10:30. An awesome day.

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