Monday, July 18, 2011

Feelin HOT,HOT,HOT!!

oooeee! It's a hot one today! temps in the high 90's with high humidity and the promise of thunder storms. The girls and I buzz over to Marshall's for some returns and Charlotte picks herself out a new bathing suit. I am so surprised by her interest that I buy it! Also snuck in a walk with Jerry this morning and a wonderful catch-up visit with Karen late this afternoon. While I was there the storm rolled in and we happily curled up on her couch and dished about the families,vacations,work,,you name it. I am so blessed to have good friends. Poor  Charlotte, after looking forward to seeing the Yanks on Monday night baseball- They stink up the joint! Molly reports they are now tied 4-4, but in the early going it was awful, and she doe not take that well. It just seems that whenever they are on out here it is not pretty. Poor Charlotte! Are you staying cool this week?!

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