Thursday, July 7, 2011

Athens Adeventure Tuesday 5 July- And so it ends..

Greek Blog Tuesday July 5th
Anti-climactic is an understatement! We are ready to leave Athens, and have the place tidied up and the suitcases packed. Charlotte is SO ready for her own bed!  Danny and Jerry make a final site-seeing trip to the Roman Agora, and it turns out to be great! They get in free with their credentials and are able to tour for several hours on their own, climbing and exploring this ancient ruin. Right up Danny’s alley!  Charlotte and I pack, then head down to the Plaka so she can buy a couple of gifts. This is fun too! We meet the boys and head to a restaurant for a last Greek feast. The place we end up at has outdoor air-conditioning as they call it, which is awnings, trees, and fans which spray water.  We order everything, Greek salad, tdziki, sausage, psstichio,stuffed tomatoes, oven baked feta and spinach pie! We even have the free bread and icecream for the kids that I bargained for with the aggressive maitre de!The meal is awesome and we sit for an hour and a half, out of the heat, people watching and eating. Life is truly good.
It is very hard to get a cab out to the airport in the early morning hours, and we would have to go at 2:30, so we just head out at 9pm, Jer hails a cab, they swing around, we load in and come on out. We find some benches and relax for a few hours, then get up around 3 and check the luggage and see off Charlotte and Jerry.  The best is that Team Nigeria is at the airport, checking their bags and hanging around, and we are able to give them a bunch of silly bands and pins. One last great bit of SO!!!  Off to find some coffee, it’s 5:15am and I am fading fast…..

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