Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday July 21 HP again??

Molly has been invited to meet some friends at the movies at 4:30 to see HP again! She is happy to be going out I think! The plans are made;Jerry and Charlotte head out around 3:15 to meet Hank halfway and grab Danny. So prior to that I have to make another Costco run(now armed with my debit card-long story!) and shop for Aunt Reg. She loves the coffee prices, and wants blueberries,cat food,etc. She says she likes us to shop cause we won't take money from her! Danny is super happy to get home, and we all enjoy sitting around hearing about his exploits and eating the pear/pineapple upside down cake that I made while he was on his way home. I suggest he sleeps in the basement for maximum coolness, and he seems very happy with the idea. I hope he perks up...

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