Monday, July 11, 2011

Roma Ramblings --- Sunday Mass at Saint Peters!

Danny is singing in the shower right now, after being happily fed. we are alone again tonight, not that we get wild, but it is nice to know we aren't disturbing anyone.
Day went great, Paulo brought Danny a conchetta crema and a conchetta chocolate as a treat, he ate both and a bowl of cereal too!Today we got up relatively early, 9:45! and after feeding the kiddo with delicious fresh pastries that our host had stopped by with, we caught the metro and hoofed it up to Saint Peters Basilica for Mass. We were a bit late(forgot about security) but it was fine, and the mass was in Italian, but that was fine too, just added to the romance. It was really unbelievable to walk up the center aisle and receive communion there. Like a dream or something! The choir was wonderful, and after communion we slipped into a seat only three rows from the front that I noticed was empty, so we saw the conclusion up close. Beautiful. Afterwards we listened to the music, and took a couple of photos before the ushers started sweeping people out for the next mass to begin(kinda like at St. Pats!) We went outside at 12 for pope to give blessing, but he is at his summer place "everyone needs a vacation" says danny! They have a couple of big screens up and he speaks and gives a blessing from afar. Awesome!  After that we went straight to Castel'Sant Angelo, and castle/fortress thing where the popes used to go to escape when the Vatican was under attack. This turned out to be another hidden gem and we spent a couple of hours there. We strolled through the flea market on the riverside, and i bought a sundress so my skirt can have a rest(I think she could stand up and dance on her own at this point! Then we walked along the river for a mile or so, down a cool street, into a piazza with the french embassy and other coll buildings, then across the river to a beautiful church. After that we were just done, so walked, found a bus stop, got on the first one that came(going in the same direction we had come from..who cares,we're not walking!' got off when we saw a metro stop, and went down and headed home. we walked to find a supermarket but it was closed, ended up with tomatoes and digestive biscuits, cut down to find our Taverna for take-away, found a beautiful passtiere and got Danny canolli,creme puff and something called Bomba, we have no idea what it is! He is so adventurous! Grab pizza at the taverna, tonight we choose sausage, fresh chilled tomato,mozz.and basil with oil and vinegar, and zucchini. We also got a slice of veggie frittata and Danny got one of his croquette balls! Up the hill again and into the house, danny actually layed down while I fixed the plates! It was yum and he fired up the espresso machine, so life is good.
We watched the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox together while lounging around our bed. So strange...will I be able to go back to cleaning,washing,answering the phone,etc....after my long idle?! Stay tuned!
PS>>When we unwrap the pastries after the movie, I give the Bomba a sniff and find out why it is called that...Danny would have gotten "bombed" if he had eaten it, it turns out to be soaked in RUM! Luckily the other 2 are fine! Live and learn :)

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