Monday, July 25, 2011

Thunder Over Michigan Sunday

Another first for the old 49th Air Show! After an interesting 8am mass(which had Danny bolting off the altar to barf and then returning) we picked up Rhonda and the boys and headed down to Willow Run Airport. Patty Mulroy had invited Molly, but she lost her ride, so asked me to drive them. It turned into a great family fun day.  The Yankee Air Museum sponsors a huge air show, with all kinds of old planes, fighter jets, blue angels, and more. You could go in the planes, watch them fly, and visit all kinds of booths. The service branch booths had give aways, but you had to perform to get them. Danny and Collin got down for push ups at the Army booth, but Ryan doesn't like to do them. I gave it a shot to get a bag for him, and the Army folks were cheering me. I was giving them the jive that Jake had told us about from basic training. "please Sargent may I do some more?" and the like. It was funny! Ryan showed us all up in the pull up area with the air force, and we got pens,cups and stuff from the Navy. What fun! It was super hot there, and no shade because you are on an airfield, so we left around 3:00pm.
Charlotte stayed home because of the noise issues, and happily helped Jerry work on the lights in the gym. Evening spent cheering on the tigers, making an oven baked omelette and homemade Tzatziki.

Rhonda and I

Ryan, Collin and Danny in the belly of the blackhawk



in the cockpit

cool Army vehicle, wonder if Jake could fix it?!

Hey, I fit in the nose cone!

Molly gamely trys a pull-up to get an Air Force water bottle

lots of the planes were painted with a look of the past as they celebrated 100 years of Naval Aviation

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