Friday, July 1, 2011

Athens Adventure Wednesday June 29

Greek blog Wednesday June 29, 2011
Austerity meeting for the government continues today with a vote expected. Day two of the transit strike, so we lay low for the better part of the day. It is kind of a bummer, because the things we had wanted to do all involve the transit system. We have thoroughly explored our immediate surroundings in Athens.  We had hoped to go to the beach, or down to the port for a ferry to an island, but no such luck.  Oh well, roll with it! That’s part of being a good traveler.   Danny and I do a quick shop for more fruit and coffee, and make lunch for everyone. Jerry and Charlotte run(GO THEM!) we tidy, read,nap,word-search. One thing Jerry and I realize is that without any  English television available We Don’t Watch TV! None! We just hang out, talk,etc. in our little place. Awesome family time I can tell you that!
Around 3:30 we decide to take a walk into the center, and as we get closer we see streets roped off, police everywhere, semi-deserted streets, some shops closed….but at the same time, tourists and locals strolling, vendors hawking their wares, many people ignoring what is going on in the city. We hike to the north side of the Acropolis to visit a museum, but it is shut down, note on the door in Greek, but we can see the date. Bummer, another strike issue.  Every once in a while we here a series of bangs off in the distance, and some yelling, but we decide not to worry too much. We hike around the fillaposis hill area, of course seeing lots of ancient ruins, which just seem to crop up along the sidewalks here like weeds in my garden at home!  We decide to stop for another fabulous ice-cream at café plaka When we enter, the TV is showing Syntagma, and the metro station and the palace, all overrun with police and protestors, fires going, people being beaten. It is the first time we have seen it on TV and it looks awful.  But we still aren’t worried, and after all, we have promised the kids ice cream, so I haul out the laptop to check email, blog, face book, etc.  We sit up on the rooftop deck and can see the surrounding area.  I have a chance to see Heather’s blog post, which includes Jerry’s play by play of the 3000 heat, and it is great. Very flattering to our family, and best of all, she seems hooked on SO! We have a new convert! After a bit Jerry and the kids take a walk, and I move downstairs to finish up away from some foul mouthed Australian 20-somethings! The gang has just arrived back at the Café when people suddenly start running past the windows, racing up hill and away from the area. We get a bit panicked, but the owner tells us to stay put, it is safer. After about 5 minutes we hear bangs again, like tear gas or gunfire and decide to get out and head for home.  We walk our usual route and see a mix of people looking nervous and heading home, protesters in white face looking confidant and unconcerned, and Athenians sitting and eating and drinking at café’s as if all is well. Surreal!  We text Ted, and he and Heather have wisely decided to stay where they are at, because I am really feeling the need to get home and get the kids indoors.  We run into Mary on the acropolis hill, and she walks with us a bit, and asks if we are sure we don’t want to grab a bite, but I say, “ No, I really need to get the kids out of here.”  Later she texts us and says that it was a good thing we headed out, because from the roof of the hotel where they are staying they can see trash fires burning, right where we said goodbye and crossed the street, and that the police were tear gassing the Plaka! Of my, I am worried about what tomorrow may bring. But so glad to be safe and sound. Make the gang my famous pasta, feta, tomato dish, with melon and bread, and all are appreciative. Laundry in, kitchen clean, Danny clean(sat. last shower?!), clothes set for the early am. March out, the girl sleeping, the boys reading, and all quiet(relatively speaking) on our street. Praying for the country and the people.

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