Monday, July 25, 2011

Apples,Sand and Suitcases!

Went to the Apple Store in Novi and bought meself an IPAD! Yup, copying Susan, I know, but I can't help it, she is my idol!! I am excited to have time to goof around with it at her house when we visit, and set up our chatting functions etc. That store was so gorgeous, and those products sell themselves...Jer(and everyone else!) wishes he had bought Apple stock a few years ago!
Hit the beach with the kids, and Shawne and Ann both came out so we had a great group. Humidity less, but still super hot, so it was a perfect day to sand-sit!
Suitcases packed and ready to go, sand vacuumed up, oil changed, gas in, waters chilling in the fridge, 25 Yankee shirts packed by Charlotte!, and so, tomorrow we are off to NJ! YAY!

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