Friday, July 29, 2011

Meeting baby Liam!

What a baby and college wardrobe! We had a great morning visit with Meryl and Liam, her baby is beautiful,her house is beautiful and her spirit is the most beautiful! How happy it makes me to to see her so happy! I need a new baby, there is nothing like that smell, and that feel. He fell asleep on me!
Liam Jameson King

Liam is strong and lively!

gazing at Sir Prance-alot!

Sleeping on me!
After a shoprite trip we picked up the kids and headed to Michelle's for a visit. The kids enjoyed a swim in her pool.
Charlotte having fun at Michelle's

 When we got home, I took Claire on a college shopping trip, and Charlotte nad Molly came along. We had great success, with shoes,boots,jeans and tops. I had so much fun and I'll think of her walking around on the campus of University of Deleware in her new duds, and smile! She is a great kid.

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