Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Athens Adventure Monday July 4th

Greek blog Monday July 4th 2011

Closing Ceremonies!  We are pretty excited about this, and are hoping for a massive dance party/trading fest! We shall see.  We sleep in and then Jerry and I walk to the Acropolis area to cruise around and do a bit of shopping and grab a coffee. Mary gives us a text and invites the kids to the pool again, which is lovely. Jerry lets me stay on the computer and he hikes back to grab the kids and the suits and we rendezvous at the hotel.  It is of course sunny and hot, and the kids love getting in the water. Jackie, David’s Mom and her friend Kathy are at the pool, and it is nice to to get a chance to visit with them. David had a good games.  We had planned to go out to lunch with Mary and Alicia, but Mary has leftovers in her fridge and wants us to eat it all  up.  The kids have a feast on her balcony of salmon, pizza, and spaghetti, chips and pistachios, which sounds weird but is delicious! And that leaves more time for swimming!  We head back to the apartment and relax and get red, white and blued up and then head off to the closing ceremonies.  The street is closed again, and we stroll up to the Marble stadium which is filled with happy volunteers. The athletes are just walking in down the ramp and being seated, which gives them the chance to visit, trade and dance.  Danny and Charlotte trade hats and pins, and we end up trading our shirts too! That is fun!  The ceremony is a bit of a let down. I thought they would have a lot of photos and video from the week of competition, but it is more, history of Greece! NO!!! The speech by Tim is good again, and we all chant “I’m In! and  “We’re In!” many times.  We get home around midnight! I’m not sure when Team USA is leaving, either right after the ceremony or 4am, they fly to Baltimore for a Team Farewell Dinner, then Molly fly’s back to Detroit Wednesday morning. She will be there an hour before Jerry, but Sabra’s Mom Mary will hang on to her till he arrives. I can’t believe the games are over!

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