Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15th?? Why is it 39 degrees out?!!

Today was our big day at the Lansing Lugnuts game..I pictured us sitting in the stands with sunscreen on, feeling summer making it's way into Michigan..alas this was not to be! It basically poured all day long, with 30 mile an hour winds, not weather that makes you think baseball! We headed out to the stadium, played catch out in right field in the rain, then huddled under the overhang, with the 113 other crazy people, including PJ and the kids, waiting to see if it would let up.  At 3:00pm they called the game, and we happily headed home! I threw together pizza and chili and we shared a nice time with our friends which made the day very pleasant. Enjoyed a nice chat with Sooz and Mom, and watched some Lucy with Danny and Charlotte, and even had time to show Danny the first episode of Mr. Ed! A good day!

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