Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stroll around Town Fun-raiser 5/14/11

Well, GOD is good and the rain held off for the libraries first annual stroller walk to raise money.. not a huge attendance, but alot of enthusiasm! I led dancing and warm-up for about 30 minutes, then we all stepped off. The girls were able to come to the whole walk because track was cancelled due to wet surfaces. They walked with Anne,Lila, and Emma(then went home with them for a play session) and had fun! We were trying to get people to honk, and basically I spent my time trying to keep the fun alive! We then decorated the dept. for summer reading til 2pm.  Headed home, then up to Schwartz Creek for Kathy's Mom's wake. I went around dinner time, which seemed good. I was able o hang out and visit with Kathy and her sister's for about an hour, and I was really happy that I went.  Got some grocery shopping done after that. Wow, my Saturday nights are wild!
Tiger's won :) Yankees lost ;(  Jerry and Danny watched LOTR and I vegged with HGTV.

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