Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunday Mother's Day!

Best way to start Mother's Day? MASS! I love when the Mom's get to stand up and get a blessing from the parish, Molly and Jerry both blessed me.  Then we got a NY Times for me (still trying to read it!) and headed home. Jer and Molly and Danny zoomed off to a lacrosse game and Charlotte and I stayed home. I went over to help out at the BCPA, setting up for the last performance of the play.
Jer flys in with the kids for the call,  and by 4:30 we are in our seats and being entertained! A fantastic last show, and I get all teary eyed talking to Mr. Brady, and telling him that he did a great thing by giving Charlotte a chance to be in Birdie!
We have a nice mom's day meal at Leo's then chill at home!

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