Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day run and fun!

We are ready to head for the parade!

We made it home, sweaty but proud!

The annual Memorial Day parade in downtown Brighton last 10 minutes! No kidding! The veterans go first, then the high school band,then the girl scouts and boy scouts. Then the police car signifying the end. Done! The route is 5 blocks, from the high school east to the millpond, where we sing the national anthem(done this year,beautifully, by Mr. Brady!) here speeches by a couple of veterans, and say a prayer together for the country. It is very nice but super short. This year, in order to jazz things up I decide that Molly and I will run downtown and Charlotte and Danny can ride their bikes...a good idea last week when the temps were in the 40's and our heat was kicking on...not so much today when it was 93. seriously. Spring was one day long I guess! Anyway we made it! and it was fun, and I felt virtuous all day long.  Worked all day again, thankfully stopping at one o'clock for a couple of hours to enjoy steaks,etc. with Shawne and the kids.  then back to work.  at 4:30ish we decide suddenly to have Jerry take the kids to see Kung Fu Panda 2, in 3D no less!
I take a break inside while they are gone, then continue a while longer...we are trying to get all the work from every weekend in April and May where it was rainy and cold and we couldn't go outside done in 3 days.! Will it work??  I'll let you know!

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