Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday 5/29 Sunday no day of rest!

Well this was no day of rest for our family, but I think GOD is willing to let us go on this one! We started the day at 8 o'clock mass and a nice family breakfast at Leos. The staff was happy to see us and a couple of the gals came over to tell us they had seen the commercial. Small town life is very nice! Then we all went to Home Depot for mulch, plants,etc. and then home to start working. We weeded,mulched,cut down trees, planted flowers, built a fire pit, you name it! and just when we were ready to relax by sending Jer and Danny to the golf course, the sky's opened up again! Rain,thunder,lightening, even a tornado siren, which sent us hurrying to the basement. Will it ever dry out?!!

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