Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monday May 2 Indiana here I come!

Off to Indiana to drop off Mom with the Bickelhaupts! I have to drive about 200 miles in each direction, but that's okay! I'm glad that she will get a chance to spend time with Mary and Chuck. We arrive at the drop off spot, McDonalds, right on time.....no Bics. Wait 10 minutes then call their cell..."oh sorry, we forgot about the time change! We're an hour away." Seriously?? Okay, so after a short fight with Mom, we settle down to wait. One hour and 20 minutes later, Mrs.B calls and directs me to drive further west down the highway to meet them, they are getting gas. Okay! Finally drop her off, all the while pretending that it is no big deal, because I don't want to her to be upset.  But what a pain! I was hauling dupa to try to get back in time to pick up D-man. Phone rings and it is Tracey from SOI asking if Molly and I are free to fly to NYC on WEDNESDAY to be on the Today show on Thursday. Hmmm, am I free? DUH!
Needless to say this woke me up enough to finish the trip! 
Girlies go running, danny has LAX and I am off to swim practice. We had a great practice and I took my camera and got some shots of the team. I wish we had a meet before state games, but maybe next year.

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