Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Miss Molly goes to Lansing!!

We got a call last night and had the opportunity today to go to Lansing to appear and testify before a senate finance committee about a bill which will add a check-off box to the MI tax return.  I picked Mol up at school after her pre-school job(and my trip to the Dr./Target for RXs for uti) and we headed out to the capitol. We met up with Lois Arnold, CEO of SOMI and Kim Purdy, the head of PR, at a lobbying firm and got the lay of the land.  We then headed to the Senate building, but as e were heading up, we got word that the meeting had been postponed til next Wed.  Not as devastating as the Today show bump, but still a pain. We headed right to the capital building and hung around outside the chambers of both the house and the senate hoping to buttonhole various legislators and encourage them to support our bill. After several hours of this we were released! I will never be a lobbyist, I'm happy to check that career of my list of possibilities!  It is great to be able to be of service though!
I am proud of Molly and her good handshaking skills, she needs to work on speaking more. Photos to come!

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