Wednesday, May 4, 2011

most stressful day in recent memory!

As of 8:30 this morning  I thought our trip to New York was cancelled. And looking back on it from the end of this LONG day, I wish it had been.  Got back from taking Danny and there was still no email. I tell Molly the trip is off, and she becomes hysterical. She had gotten up at 6:30, showered and gotten all ready. I tried to calm her down, but I was so mad at that agency. At 9;15 I get an email,followed by a phone call, she thought we'd be on the 10 am flight! I read her back her email from yesterday at 1pm saying the itinerary and details would follow "later today".  I will leave now, I say, and run like a nut for 5 minutes putting everything in the van, leaving the traverse for jer. Drive like a crazy girl, circle to level 10 in the parking deck, stop the car, and realize////my wallet is in the traverse from driving D to school. I start screaming F___! over and over, this has never happened to me. Now what?!  I call my friend Kim and ask her to go to the house, get my wallet out of the car and drive it to the airport...and God love her, she agrees! Molly and I check in, then I start pacing.  She makes it, and I grab the wallet and get on the security's long...ans the flight is at 12's 11:35...we get through, take the elevator down, run across the promenade, take the escalator up to the tram and wait...tick,tick,tick.Hop on the tram, head down the escalator(did I mention that I have all the luggage cause molly can't do escalators?!) I literally count 3,2,1, GO as we hit the bottom, and tell molly to run pellmell to gate 77 (and yes, it was the very last one) and they let us on. Sweet relief!
The flight attendant gives us water even though we aren't in first class, that's how bad we look!
Molly gets to her seat, but I am stowing luggage, and when a man trys to sit down next to her, she bursts into hysterical tears! needless to say the man MOVED AWAY quickly, but the poor thing! She was a wreck ,picking up on all my anxiety. This is not the way I roll.
Flight is good, and since of course I told them who "the talent" was and showed them the ad, they have the pilot make an announcement  that there is a celebrity on board and we should all applaud! I made her do a princess wave!
So car is there and in spite of the rain, I jolly her into excitement. When we arrive at the hotel they tell me they only have me booked for one night..which would have been fine if the agency had let me know, instead it is a surprise, now what do I do til Saturday? But I decide to go upstairs and see the room and drop our luggage, then decide what to do. No sooner do I walk in the room than I get a call from Tracey at SO North America saying that we are bumped from the Today show because of President Obama;s trip to Ground Zero--Seriously?! I hang up from her and I get a call from school that Danny didn't get picked up to go to play rehearsal. Well I'm in NY and Jer is in Ohio-now what?! The secretary offers to drive him to the high school and I say sure! At this point I can't even think what to do!
Molly is laying on the bed crying about the today show so Hey, lets go to the fitness place I cry, hoping to get her going again.
We have a nice workout, and a great call from Sooz (who has talked to Donnie) and we will head for NJ tomrw after the interviews and hang out and Donnie will take us to the airport on Sat, Sooz encourages me to take Molly down to time square, and the rain has let up, so off we go! We hit the American Girl store, Disney, M&M's, etc. But you know what? this isn't Molly's thing I realize. To much pushing noise, uncertainty, she is a wreck We hold chilly hands on the way back to the hotel.
Plan is PJ's, room service, and the Yankees/Tigers game.  But guess whet? No Yankee channel in the room, only in the bar. Why aren't I surprised? So down we go, molly in pj pants, and we rearrange a little corner, have the bartender turn up the volume, order pizza and sald and relax. RELAX!
I am so glad this day is over! We start at 6:30 tomrw!

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