Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Winter/Spring continues 5/17/11

Freezing again! I want to plant flowers!!!
As you all know by now Tuesday is drive day, so that's what I do...Drive! Pick up Shawne and Leah at the library and bring them home here to hang out and visit. They are borrowing the car for a few days while theirs is in the shop.  Leah has changed her name to Aryna (pronounced areena!) and won't respond to anything else. It was hilarious! I mailed her a card yesterday aft. addressed with her new name, and I bet she'll flip out!
Jerry and the kids headed out to SO Golf, opening night, and they had a blast, I never could have gone in that cold! Danny is partnering with Charlotte this year and Jerry and Molly will tackle the course together.   While they were gone I had a lovely call with my old roomie and chum Maureen Scanlon. She and her family had seen the commercial and the ad and were so happy. It was great to catch up with her. Now I must call Karen and Fran and Lorrie...not that I feel guilty or anything!

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