Monday, May 2, 2011

Danny on the altar and the stage!

We had the extreme pleasure of watching Danny serve the altar for the first time today! He had to handle the incense burner, which is a challenging assignment! Mom seemed very pleased to be able to witness this. Coffee and donuts were served downstairs, so we got to go and visit with our friends a bit. There were quite a few comments about Molly and I being in the paper, which was embarrassing but neat!
I had a nice luncheon and we went to the 4:30 show of the play. IT WAS FANTASTIC! What an unbelievable show! We all enjoyed Apple pie and ice cream back at the house afterwards, then Danny headed home with the Arbors so that he could get to school on time while I drive Mom to meet the Bics.
Jer is heading down to Dublin for Ashland Peer review til Thursday, but that is fine, I am craving a bit of peace!

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