Sunday, November 20, 2011

Friday means basketball means free mom time!

Well we had a busy but excellent day. Sewing lesson with Karol(2 this week because she is going away for Thanksgiving) which lasted 3 hours! Progress made on the PJ bottoms, and learning continues. Leah was dropped off at 10am, and we played, coloured, lunched, then headed to her house to catch the bus. No sooner had we hopped out of the car and moved to the end of the driveway than we saw the bus chugging down the street. We were high fiving each other on our perfect timing as the bus pulled to a stop. When the driver opened the door, she said "no power at the school, classes are cancelled"! Oh my! So back home we went to play some more. Shawne came to pick up Leah and stayed for a nice cup of tea and a great visit. When she was leaving Leah  decided that she might as well stay the whole day and go to BBall. So she did, which is awesome cause the kids love her. I made a Target run, but then just crashed. The week of solo Mom-ing is tiring me out :)

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