Monday, November 14, 2011

Back On It!!

It's Monday and I'm writing about Monday--GO ME!!
I had an 8am meeting at Pathways with Chantal and Jane to discuss Charlotte's school path.  She hasn't been to school in 2 weeks and not a soul from BHS has even called to see what the problem is! Same old same old over there, and my hopes for her to have a good experience in the TIPS program have not panned out. We are still working on it, but it looks like Charlotte will be moving over into adult transition after Thanksgiving.Danny had a long sewing lesson with Karol in which he learned to pin a pattern,cut it out, baste and sew the seam. He is doing wonderfully. Danny and I also enjoyed playing chopsticks together on the piano..what fun! Walked the dog and gave hom his first bath at our house...he is so good, he just stood in Danny's tub and shook.
Tae Kwan do kicked Danny's dupa tonight, fast and fitness oriented. He was sweating buckets.

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