Sunday, November 13, 2011

Monday 11/7/11 Cincinnati Trip!

Back we go! We left this morning for a return engagement at P&G! We are so lucky! Cars to and fro, a beautiful hotel overlooking the Ohio river, in fact, a suite! And such great weather, 65 degrees! Molly and I had a blast walking around the downtown area. We picked her up some Arbys and sat at Fountain Place, a lovely outdoor plaza with a fountain and little tables. Great people watching(marred only by the broadcast of the State Attorney general of PA with the Sandusky scandal) We wanted to go to the Taft museum  but it was closed, we did go to the Cathedral, and a couple of other cool buildings. We did a little downtown shopping...first stop was Macy's, I had a brainstorm and talked a Lancome gal into doing a "makeover" on Miss Molly! She did a great job on Molly's face and Mol was thrilled. And I bought shoes! 2 Pairs! We dropped our treasures at the hotel and scooted over to P&G for a quick rehearsal. They are introducing us at the dinner and wanted to make sure we were comfortable with where to stand,etc. It was so much fun to see our friends, Jim O'Connel, Janet Fletcher, Mark...they greeted us like long lost friends. A bit disconcerting was the fact that there were pictures of us from the Austin Shoot plastered about! and they called us the guests of honour! With rehearsal over, Molly and I headed to the hotel to relax and beautify...which took me a lot longer than it took Miss Molly! The dress I had spotted for her in the JCPenney catalogue is a perfect fit and she gets loads of compliments on it. Yay!! I wore a new dress too, and I also decided to wear the new shoes we picked out in Macy's. Yay! Made it through the whole night in my high heels, including up and down the dais.  When we arrive at the party it is cocktails for 1/2 hour. Molly buzzes around greeting all her pals from last spring, and many folks she met in Greece. They are all thrilled to see her. I enjoy chatting with folks as well. At dinner, we are at the head table, with Tim Shriver, Mark,VP at P&G, President of Mattel, Congresswoman Na from Korea who is heading the winter games in 2013...then Molly and I! Wow! We were introduced after dinner, after they showed the commercial and did lots of other great talking. Molly and I then went to the stage and Molly answered some questions and I gave a little speech. It seemed well received. We were the last people to leave the party, and stayed late chatting with Michelle Kwan,Bart Connor and Sam Perkins, board members who were at the party. Cool beans, they are like old friends now!
our suite

in front of the Taft Museum

Molly's personal make-up gal!

shoe shopping!

Cathedral of Saint Peter in Chains

Molly and Jim O'Connell in the P&G lobby

all dressed up...

our great table!

Sam Perkins, NBA great

Bart Connor is a really nice guy!

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