Monday, November 14, 2011

11/12/11 Aahh, Saturday!

A lazy, raking,football watching, Saturday. Charlotte and Jerry took off at 8:30 to start the long awaited trip to Delaware and NJ. Jerry sent lots of pictures throughout the day and I felt like I was there.
hoodie-the highlight of any campus visit!

campus cuties

north campus part of the tour

 Shawne and I went to JCPenneys and did a bit of shopping with her 30%coupon! Whoot! Danny and I went to Blockbuster and got a couple of movies-watched one called A Far Off Place about a couple of kids that make there way across the Kalahari desert. It was quite violent, much more than I imagined, but we enjoying sitting in the chair together in front of the fireplace...Molly? where do you think she was? Downstairs watching football of course!

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