Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday 11/4/11 /what did I do??

Holy Crow! All my many loyal readers(large snicker here!) must be wondering where I've been...I am very behind on posts. Well I'll do my best to reconstruct my oh so fabulous life! This morning Danny and Leah came skipping down the stairs for breakfast, after a sleepover. Leah is so cute and fun, and Danny loves big brothering her. We read a bunch of stories at breakfast and played some games. Then before we new it, it was time for Danny to hit Tae kwan do and Leah to head to school.  Later I headed to JCPenney to shop for our Cinci trip. Stuck GOLD! The dress I saw in the circular is perfect for Molly, and I grab a couple of other treasures. I head home when my little darlings are safely at BBall. Tidy, launder,and veg...AAhh, Friday I love you!

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