Monday, November 28, 2011

Tough One--

Started off the day with a Charlotte freak out. Major. Like drive her to U of M psych ward freak out. Which I didn't do. I am just feeling so defeated, and while that is going on I am still needing to be on with Danny and his schooling. Yes honey, manifest destiny is...I scream over Charlotte while on hold with BCBS to find out my mental health benefits...
She eventually stopped after 3 hours, and she, Danny and I went to the library,the post office and Target/Meijer to pick up treats for Jake and giving tree gifts for church. That was fun!
Molly went to the movies with her friend Gary and spent the afternoon at his house playing Wii. We met at the Special Olympics meeting to plan the Polar Plunge and after throwing in our 2 cents we pick up Danny at TKD and head home. Danny and Jerry decide to play Oregon Trail to jive with the unit on westward exploration. Oh the memories of Jake and Jerry playing that same game together...I miss that boy.

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