Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Day--I am Thankful!

Well, at 5am I didn't feel quite as thankful as I might have...we are up and off to downtown Detroit. The weather, which was supposed to be warm and sunny, was foggy and chilly. Oh well! The coolest thing was the skyscraper, the RenCen, basically disappeared into the fog  before our very eyes! My slick Detroit boy zoomed us downtown and into a parking garage right at the foot of Woodward Ave. We were at the start within minutes! Jack Reilly was super happy to see Molly and welcomed her back to the event. While she waited for her cue, Jen and her husband Buddy arrived and cheered her on. Charlotte,Danny and I joined her on the dais and helped her recite the oath. Suddenly there are Sam and Eric Stewart..they followed the sound of Molly voice! They cheered Molly on too! I say hooray for friends!  Molly did a great job with the oath, then we all got into our corral to wait for the start of the race. With 21,000 runners we had a bit of a wait! Molly took off and ran a 1.00, Danny was next with a 1.01, and Charlotte, Jen and I rolled in at 1.07. Yes, I did a cartwheel at the finish line, at Charlotte's request! We headed home and Jer made a mess of scrambled eggs while I got the turkey in the oven. Then I took a hot shower and cooked the rest of the sides. I served around 3:30pm(and everyone was happy to get away from the Lions horrendous performance!) The meal was great, and later that evening I even made a Michael's run to use my 30% coupon for some Christmas shopping. I am thankful for my family here, for Jake, for my NJ family, for our house, for my church, for so much. I am a lucky girl!
my runners!

Ready to eat!

here is my dinner!

says it all! Start!

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