Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday 6/8/11 Work (which actually felt fun!)

Nothing like a week or so off to make work seem fun! Roseanne's grandson came early but is doing okay, 16inches/3.5 lbs., and I knew they were a bit short, so I offered to work and was in from 11-7. I helped people sign up for summer reading and organized the activity room for the book giveaway that starts next week.  Danny played at Shawnes from 10:45 til 9:30, and really had fun spending time with Jack. That kid can be tricky, so when he is around we like to jump on the chance to play. They swam, played Wii, and watched and HP movie.
Molly and Jerry did an indoor training/weight workout, temps still in the mid-90's!

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