Monday, June 6, 2011

To Summer Games we go! thursday

6/2/11-dateline Mount Pleasant
The Area 27  athletes arrived in Mount Pleasant this afternoon fired up and ready  to win some medals. On the ride from Brighton, they saw the Torch making its run up 27N to the stadium and were very excited !  Despite disappointing souvenirs(always Coach Kerry's first stop!) the group still managed to spend money.  The dorm rooms were a bit tinier this year, but who cares? The athletes barely sleep anyway, what with opening ceremonies,dancing, carnivals, farewell to area director parties, chocolate fountains and more! It is really a whole ball of fun for the folks on the team.
Molly Hincka, Area 27 runner and Team USA member, led the march into the Stadium along with David and Sabra, her fellow teammates who are swimmers. What a cool experience.

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