Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Post Party Recovery 6/6/11 Monday

Uncle Hank scores an offficial baseball cap from Posen HS for Charlotte!

Go Vikings!
Whew!  The party is history! Good history, but in the rear view mirror! I am leaving up alot of the decoration so we can enjoy them. Hank has me run some errands with him before he and Charlotte head up to Posen. Home Depot for plants for Reg, and Borders for DVD's and music. I hate to go there because I always find things I didn't need but must have!!Charlotte and Hank head out around 11, Danny gets up, and Molly is in school. I work on getting things put away, which is quite a challenge. Danny and I fit in the eye doctor(no glasses! 1 step down in left, perfect in the right), DQ, and the library to sign up for summer reading.
See if you can guess what is for dinner?? Give up?? Well it's picnic food from the party! Try again next time :)

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